Welcome to STDCx

A world-class, top-of-the-line IR4.0 professional training centre based in Shah Alam

Selangor Technical Development Center X

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Achieve Digital Transformation for Factory Ecosystems

Our partnership with SIEMENS has opened the door to state-of-the-art digital technologies and expertise ready for your enrollment.

Unleash Your Digital Creativity

STDCx is proud to be partnered with Apple as a leading training centre in digital creation, ensuring you have access to the best knowledge currently available.

Authentic Industry Equipment & Facilities

Learn the ins-and-outs of smart automation using industry-accurate equipment for usable, scalable and applicable training lead by our partner, Festo.

Train in Comfort & Convenience

STDCx is purpose-built to be a training centre of excellence with comfortable and convenient amenities set within the industrialised state of Selangor.

Lead The Charge Towards IR4.0

STDCx is a world-class, top-of-the-line professional IR4.0 training centre based in Shah Alam dedicated to empowering excellence.

At STDCx, we keep you ahead of the curve to prepare a future for future generations and realise the aspirations of Selangor, the Golden State.
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What We Offer

We are STDCx - a growing collective of like-minded education professionals, working together to positively impact the lives of young people.

Expert Training from Industry Leaders

Every course & training offered is delivered by industry experts to provide training aligned with industry needs.

Comprehensive Courses,
World-class Facilities

We offer variety of holistic technical learning that pushes the boundaries of expertise, elevating you above the rest.

Innovative Learning with State-of-the-art Tech

Our companies, partnerships & resources position us as an indispensable enabler for industry transformation.

Courses to Keep You Ahead of The Curve 

Building Automation

Digital Automation

Low-Code Application Development

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Talent Upgrade With Industry Leaders.

Industrial Partners
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